Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Class Notes

Food Photography
-Have a close up and a single focus
-Color is important and needs to be vibrant
-Usually for clients, advertisement, and books
-Smaller light sources are better so that over exposure does not occur
-Want a variety of light directions
-Need areas of light vs. areas of shadow
-Packaging photographs allow no creativity
-Advertisement photographs allow some creativity(props and lighting)
-Shoot from a 10-45 degree angle
-Adds depth of field
          -Crop tightly
          -Shallow depth of field
          -Add oil to entice viewer.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

5 More School Photos

A student 'chills out' during free period and kicks his feet up.
50mm f/1.8

A DC backpack sits on the ground waiting to be used for it's soul purpose.
50mm f/1.8

A senior pulls a typical move and gets distracted.
50mm f/1.8

The ceiling is the limit.
50 mm f/1.8

A student awaits the 3:10 bell.
50mm f/1.8

Monday, September 27, 2010

10 More School Photos

2 students eat lunch and laugh about life. 

A student eats his daily snack, gummi bears, in the main lobby.

Two seniors battle it out on the courts in an intense game of half-court-knockout

Students rush to class after break. This was taken in the main lobby with a 5 second shutter.

A senior preps for Pre-Calc by going to sharpen his pencil

A student, prior to class, tries to take a picture of me, taking a picture of him.

During free period, a senior catches up on those much needed hours of rest.

School's out at 2:55 and immediately, Mary's courtyard is filled with students of all grades, deciding what they want to do on a Friday afternoon.

Two students leaving the cafeteria and walking to class together.

A senior comes to class during first period free with his iPod and headphones in hand.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

5 Campus Photos

Here is a senior waiting in line for his breakfast. Will can often be found singing for his surrounding classmates.

Here, a student gets distracted from his book in Government class.

A senior performs a behind the back shot on the courts at lunch.

Here, one kid helps another student with his Pre-Calc homework.

A student stands off to the side in the hallway as the others pass by in a blur.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Photojournalism on Campus

This is a photo of a children's jungle gym. I took the photo from a higher angle to cancel out it's surroundings.
F/ 6.3

This was a 'No Trespassing' sign and I used the cross plank to hide the words on the sign. The words can be slightly seen, but one doesn't know who is and isn't allowed in.
F/ 6.3

This is a metal tunnel on a jungle gym. I took the photo at a wide angle to get the whole inside ant most of the outside of the tunnel.


Monday, September 13, 2010

5 Photojournalist Photos

This photo is of a young college girl smoking crack in Ohio. This photo is important because it shows the truth behind many peoples lives. Too many people are affected by drugs and alcohol and it is out of control.

This photo is taken by Yanina Manolova. She framed the photograph by having the pipe be out of focus and have Patricia's face almost dead center. The emphasis from this photo comes from the eyes of the girl. The mood of the image is a somber one because of the girl smoking just to help herself get by.

This is a photo of a young, African boy who is, just like millions of other humans, suffering from immense poverty. This photo shows the pain and suffering felt by the child and it show the world how hard life is for others.

This photo was not signed or sited. The photo is framed in such a way that you can see the boys troubles in life through his facial expression. The mood of this photograph is very sad because it represents a greater truth.

This photo takes place in Kenya and shows the oppression that is happening all around the world. The young boy is scared of the police and it shows that police aren't always wanted at a certain time or in a certain place. 

This was taken by Walter Astrada. He framed the photo from behind a police officer and in front of the boy. The photo almost looks like it is coming from a police officer behind the leading one. The impact of the photo is that of surprise. It is shocking to see people afraid of police when so much strife is taking place.

This photo was taken in Iraq earlier in this millennium. It shows the American Marines taking down the statue of Saddam Hussein. It is important because this represented the fall of Saddam's power in Iraq.

This photo was taken by Jerome Delay, who works for the Associated Press. He framed the photo from the view of someone on the ground. This allows the statue to look bigger and show the power that was once in charge. For Americans, the mood is happy and joyous, but for the Shi'ite Muslims, it is a sad and angering moment.

This photograph comes from the 2009 Yankees WS win. This took place in game 6 when the Yanks won the world series. This was important because it was the first win for the Yankees in over 10 years.

This photo was taken Elise Amendoia. The framing is incredible because she used the out of focus Phillies player to show a sad side of the photo, and the energetic Yankees to show a happy side of the photo. She emphasized the celebration of the Yankees. The mood is both happy and sad.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


This is the underside of an old egg basket.

This is a metal pole on Haight Street in San Francisco. The colors move from light to dark and focus moves to the center point, representing variety.


This is a long exposure picture over 101 at Maple St. in Redwood City. The black outline is a knee high barrier at the edge of the overpass.


Wednesday, September 8, 2010


This is the front grill of a Shelby Mustang Cobra GT500. The picture was darkened and the cobra logo was boosted.

Specs: D90
f/: 1.8
Shutter: 1/1000

Here is a line of 4 e39 BMW M5s. These were all lined up at Euro CARnival in Newark.
Specs: D90
f/: 1.8
Shutter: 1/1000

This is my favorite car ever made. This is a 1989 e30 Dinan M3. There are only 6 of these in the world.
Specs: D90
f/: 1.8
Shutter: 1/2500

Principles(Journal Notes)

A line is a point moving in space. It can use perspective or no perspective.

Shape and Form
Shape and form comes from lines meeting on a 2d level, but appears to make the object 3d. Form has volume in the photograph.


Variety comes from using many different diverse elements of art all in the same composure. Mixing 3rds, light and dark, and focus, are 3 ways that variety can be achieved.

Radial Balance

Radial balance is a type of photograph were objects radiate from a central point, and spread outwards.


Space is what the photo is taking up or not taking up. Positive or negative space can be had and both have their pros and cons.

Asymmetrical Balance

Asymmetrical balance is still a balanced photograph but the objects in the picture are not centered. The easiest way to get this effect is by using the rule of thirds.


A pattern is a repetition of an element of art. Often used to catch the eye of a viewer because repetition is hard to find in the world.


Unity uses individual parts of a photo to combine and support each other in making a greater photo.

Movement and Rhythm

Movement and Rhythm is a topic that allows the viewer to immediately become motivated because it brings a different picture to what is normally seen. Movement implies motion while rhythm comes from repetition in art elements.


Emphasis is the main focus of a picture and it helps the viewer to interpret the picture better.


Proportion shows a relationship between sizes. It also allows the photograph to show dominance.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Sun Print: Before and After



Object used is a metal base used to put inside of a vase with a 3.5 minute exposure.