Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Proportion Shot

This is my updated proportion shot. It shows a small tree bran on the lawn and the Kohl Mansion in the background.

Focal Length: 10mm
Shutter: 1/500
Aperture: F/ 3.5
ISO: 640

Sunday, November 28, 2010


I enjoyed the movie of Baraka very much. The use of non narrative direction by Ron Fricke creates a strong image in the eyes of the viewer because it shows many places around the world but from a neutral standpoint, silence. The reason the silence creates neutrality is because it shows no bias for or against any of the images shown in the film. I feel as though Fricke knew what the viewers wanted to see and he portrayed the world very well.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Dear Josh

I felt that your photos were fun and enticing. Some could use better perspective but I think that overall, you portrayed the 49ers game very well to me as the viewer. I liked that you got more pregame photos than actual game photos because it shows the process that goes into preparing for an NFL game. I would also work on zooming in to the subject even more than you did so that you can see more expression.


Thursday, November 11, 2010

One Shot

This is a picture of the oxidation on a pole. The colors really caught my eye so I thought that it would make a great photo.

Sports Photography

This is a photograph of the Serra JV quarterback during practice. I used a 10mm focal length and put the camera near the ground.

This is the helmet of the JV quarterback. I focused on the mouth guard which boldly says 'PADRES'

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Blog Notes 114-119

Camera Settings- blur out the focus in background, use wide open aperture
Emphasize important parts of the images
Lense- between 50mm and 100mm
Faster than 1/60th of a second
Slowest speed to not use tripod
Indoor- 45 degree angle and reflector
Simplest lighting
Reflector is critical and shadows can be greatly downsized with it
Outdoor- sun can be too harsh, use open shade and reflector
Cloudy days are good for portraits
Avoid busy backgrounds
Candid Portrait
Captures a person going about everyday life and activities (Don’t pose!)
Background gives context and meaning.
Capture different moods
Similar to a family snapshot
Take more time with a candid photo
            Camera Settings
Use a flash if necessary
Get close
Environmental Portrait
A subjects surroundings, or environment, helps add to the person’s story
It does not only show the face but the subject’s life as well
You will need to find the environment and how crucial it is
How large you do you want your subject in the photo?
            Camera Settings
Wide angle lens- especially indoors
24-35(ish) mm
Super wide around 20mm.
Higher aperture for better depth of field

Monday, October 18, 2010

5 Random New Photos

This is my sister Lindsay... she is very strange.
ISO: 500
Shutter: 1/2000
F/ 4.5
Focal Length: 10mm

This is Paradise Pier in California Adventure theme park
Shutter: 1/50
Focal Length: 14mm

Again, this is Lindsay, she likes dancing in public.
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/4000
Focal Length: 10mm

This is California Screamin', a roller coaster in California Adventure theme park.
ISO: 500
Shutter: 1/100
Focal Length: 10mm

This is my cousin Leo wearing his Nightmare Before Christmas Mickey hat.
ISO: 500
Shutter: 1/640
Focal Length: 11mm

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Self Portrait

This is my self portrait. It was taken in my room at my desk which is where I spend most of my time while I'm at home.

50mm f/1.8

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Portraits Continued

Collaborative project between the subject and the photographer
Photo must express feelings from both parties.
Have good interactions even if you don't know the subject.
35mm cameras are fast and are able to respond to change in facial expression and actions.
Slow Film(50-100 ISO)- crisper photo, slow film = slow shutter, use tripod
Fast Films(400 to 3200 ISO)- more sensative to light and ideally suited to available-light photography. Coarser grain than slow film speed.
B&W vs Color-
B&W can focus the viewer on the subject. eliminate certain distracting elements, like bright colors or clothing, serious quality to it.
Color can carry feeling and emotion. Warm colors set an energetic intensity mood. Cool colors have restful and calm feeling.

Good Focal length and lenses
24mm- too wide: too much distortion
50- slight distortion
100mm- medium telephoto that delivers a near normal perspective. Face appears narrower.

Tripod- 3 legged metal stand to mount your camer. Holds camera still and will sharpen your shots.
Cable release- flexible wire, one end attaches to shutter release, other has a button. When pressed, it takes photo.
Reflector- reflects light to lighten shadows

Formal Portrait- Simplest portrait and should emphasize the person and nothing else. A neutral background is needed.
Don't let the sun into the background
Can be face only, or a full body view. Relaxation in photographs looks better.

Julia Margaret Cameron(England, 1815-1879)- no one was around and became obsessed with photography. Self taught and Self confident
One of the first people to make photography art not just a way to document the world.

Julia Margaret Cameron's portrait of Darwin

Portrait Journal Notes 102-107

People- most interesting photography topic

Environmental Portraits- setting that says something about person
Formal- emphasize only the person who is the subject
Candid- capture a person going about everyday activities

Almost everyone could afford a photograph over a painting.
Gaspard-Felix Tournachon(France 1820-1910): AKA Nadar- plain black background for artists, writers, and actors
August Sander(Germany 1876-1964)- mainly environmental photos. 1892-1954 Sander took pictures of all types of citizens in an effort to create one huge portrait of his entire nation.

Value is important- range of light and dark areas in a photo
Allow subject to POP
Value also allows emotion. Shadow suggests darker mood. Brightness conveys positive feelings.
Shape is critical when composing an image. Subject= dominant shape



Monday, October 4, 2010

Photo Essay Pictures

This is a photograph of the progression that cities are showing in order to clean up. In the bottom corner, there is a ash tray, and as the photo fades into the distance, there are two more trashcans.
Focal Length: 200mm
ISO 3200

This is one of the main points of my project. This photo alone shows the carelessness of ordinary Americans. The fact that the bottle was 1 inch from the recycling bin is truly disgusting and saddening.
Focal Length: 48mm
ISO 3200

This photograph shows the amount of random items that are put into trash and recycling cans. Inside of the unit that clearly states "RECYCLE BOTTLES" and "RECYCLE CANS", there are 2 coffee cups and a plastic smoothie cup.
Focal Length: 50mm
ISO 3200

This is another photo of progression. This picture was taken in downtown Redwood City, which has recently been mentioned in magazines such as NY Times for their incredible work on improving the city. The city has been striving to keep clean and divide trash and recyclables.
Focal Length: 18mm
ISO 1600

This is a picture of a soda cup from Pizza My Heart. The cup was carelessly discarded into the bushes, where there bright colors stood out and show the contrast between nature, and the actions that are being carried out by humans to ruin it.
Focal Length: 200mm
ISO 3200

Redwood City was recently delivered all new trash cans because of a recent contract change from Allied Waste to Recology. These trash cans were all delivered to one company and each color represents a different type of trash. Black is average garbage and waste, blue is recyclables, and green is yard waste and compostables.
 Focal Length: 18mm
ISO 2000

This photo was taken on Haight St. in the Haight District of San Francisco. The neighborhood is well known for its population of hippies and homeless people and recently, a clean up has been arranged. This sign is telling pedestrians to not litter or drop trash. To add the San Francisco/ Haight St. character, the famous legs coming out of the window are in the background.
Focal Length: 50mm
ISO 2000

This is a picture of a dumpster in the famous alleyway next to Amoeba Records on Haight Street. The objects that are used to keep the trash off the streets are just as dirty themselves.
Focal Length: 50mm
ISO 800

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Class Notes

Food Photography
-Have a close up and a single focus
-Color is important and needs to be vibrant
-Usually for clients, advertisement, and books
-Smaller light sources are better so that over exposure does not occur
-Want a variety of light directions
-Need areas of light vs. areas of shadow
-Packaging photographs allow no creativity
-Advertisement photographs allow some creativity(props and lighting)
-Shoot from a 10-45 degree angle
-Adds depth of field
          -Crop tightly
          -Shallow depth of field
          -Add oil to entice viewer.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

5 More School Photos

A student 'chills out' during free period and kicks his feet up.
50mm f/1.8

A DC backpack sits on the ground waiting to be used for it's soul purpose.
50mm f/1.8

A senior pulls a typical move and gets distracted.
50mm f/1.8

The ceiling is the limit.
50 mm f/1.8

A student awaits the 3:10 bell.
50mm f/1.8

Monday, September 27, 2010

10 More School Photos

2 students eat lunch and laugh about life. 

A student eats his daily snack, gummi bears, in the main lobby.

Two seniors battle it out on the courts in an intense game of half-court-knockout

Students rush to class after break. This was taken in the main lobby with a 5 second shutter.

A senior preps for Pre-Calc by going to sharpen his pencil

A student, prior to class, tries to take a picture of me, taking a picture of him.

During free period, a senior catches up on those much needed hours of rest.

School's out at 2:55 and immediately, Mary's courtyard is filled with students of all grades, deciding what they want to do on a Friday afternoon.

Two students leaving the cafeteria and walking to class together.

A senior comes to class during first period free with his iPod and headphones in hand.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

5 Campus Photos

Here is a senior waiting in line for his breakfast. Will can often be found singing for his surrounding classmates.

Here, a student gets distracted from his book in Government class.

A senior performs a behind the back shot on the courts at lunch.

Here, one kid helps another student with his Pre-Calc homework.

A student stands off to the side in the hallway as the others pass by in a blur.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Photojournalism on Campus

This is a photo of a children's jungle gym. I took the photo from a higher angle to cancel out it's surroundings.
F/ 6.3

This was a 'No Trespassing' sign and I used the cross plank to hide the words on the sign. The words can be slightly seen, but one doesn't know who is and isn't allowed in.
F/ 6.3

This is a metal tunnel on a jungle gym. I took the photo at a wide angle to get the whole inside ant most of the outside of the tunnel.


Monday, September 13, 2010

5 Photojournalist Photos

This photo is of a young college girl smoking crack in Ohio. This photo is important because it shows the truth behind many peoples lives. Too many people are affected by drugs and alcohol and it is out of control.

This photo is taken by Yanina Manolova. She framed the photograph by having the pipe be out of focus and have Patricia's face almost dead center. The emphasis from this photo comes from the eyes of the girl. The mood of the image is a somber one because of the girl smoking just to help herself get by.

This is a photo of a young, African boy who is, just like millions of other humans, suffering from immense poverty. This photo shows the pain and suffering felt by the child and it show the world how hard life is for others.

This photo was not signed or sited. The photo is framed in such a way that you can see the boys troubles in life through his facial expression. The mood of this photograph is very sad because it represents a greater truth.

This photo takes place in Kenya and shows the oppression that is happening all around the world. The young boy is scared of the police and it shows that police aren't always wanted at a certain time or in a certain place. 

This was taken by Walter Astrada. He framed the photo from behind a police officer and in front of the boy. The photo almost looks like it is coming from a police officer behind the leading one. The impact of the photo is that of surprise. It is shocking to see people afraid of police when so much strife is taking place.

This photo was taken in Iraq earlier in this millennium. It shows the American Marines taking down the statue of Saddam Hussein. It is important because this represented the fall of Saddam's power in Iraq.

This photo was taken by Jerome Delay, who works for the Associated Press. He framed the photo from the view of someone on the ground. This allows the statue to look bigger and show the power that was once in charge. For Americans, the mood is happy and joyous, but for the Shi'ite Muslims, it is a sad and angering moment.

This photograph comes from the 2009 Yankees WS win. This took place in game 6 when the Yanks won the world series. This was important because it was the first win for the Yankees in over 10 years.

This photo was taken Elise Amendoia. The framing is incredible because she used the out of focus Phillies player to show a sad side of the photo, and the energetic Yankees to show a happy side of the photo. She emphasized the celebration of the Yankees. The mood is both happy and sad.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


This is the underside of an old egg basket.

This is a metal pole on Haight Street in San Francisco. The colors move from light to dark and focus moves to the center point, representing variety.


This is a long exposure picture over 101 at Maple St. in Redwood City. The black outline is a knee high barrier at the edge of the overpass.


Wednesday, September 8, 2010


This is the front grill of a Shelby Mustang Cobra GT500. The picture was darkened and the cobra logo was boosted.

Specs: D90
f/: 1.8
Shutter: 1/1000

Here is a line of 4 e39 BMW M5s. These were all lined up at Euro CARnival in Newark.
Specs: D90
f/: 1.8
Shutter: 1/1000

This is my favorite car ever made. This is a 1989 e30 Dinan M3. There are only 6 of these in the world.
Specs: D90
f/: 1.8
Shutter: 1/2500