Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Blog Notes 114-119

Camera Settings- blur out the focus in background, use wide open aperture
Emphasize important parts of the images
Lense- between 50mm and 100mm
Faster than 1/60th of a second
Slowest speed to not use tripod
Indoor- 45 degree angle and reflector
Simplest lighting
Reflector is critical and shadows can be greatly downsized with it
Outdoor- sun can be too harsh, use open shade and reflector
Cloudy days are good for portraits
Avoid busy backgrounds
Candid Portrait
Captures a person going about everyday life and activities (Don’t pose!)
Background gives context and meaning.
Capture different moods
Similar to a family snapshot
Take more time with a candid photo
            Camera Settings
Use a flash if necessary
Get close
Environmental Portrait
A subjects surroundings, or environment, helps add to the person’s story
It does not only show the face but the subject’s life as well
You will need to find the environment and how crucial it is
How large you do you want your subject in the photo?
            Camera Settings
Wide angle lens- especially indoors
24-35(ish) mm
Super wide around 20mm.
Higher aperture for better depth of field

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