Monday, January 31, 2011

Ansel Adams

Ansel Adams is a famous American photographer born during the turn of the 20th century. Adams is most famous for his role in saving Yellowstone National Park. He was born in San Francisco and died at the age of 82 in Monterey. Adams and a couple of his friends, also professional photographers founded F/64. The founding of this group allowed photography to join in the Museum of Modern Art.


This was the first spot that I took an archetecture picture at. The building is the Redwood City courthouse square in downtown Redwood City. I have always liked this building and now it is also a museum for the city.
Nikon D90
Tamron 10-24mm

This is a photograph of my Great-grandmother's house in Palo Alto. She owned the house for 60 years before she passed away in 2007.The house is currently on the market to be sold so I went over there to take my photos. This is an early 1900s Craftsman style home.
Tamron 10-24mm
This is a shot out of the slate windows in my great grandma's house. The whole out side of the house is covered in the wooden shingles and I felt that it would be cool to show the outside from the inside. The house also has many of these windows with the metal paning.
50mm f/1.8

This is the living room of the Craftsman Home. It is currently arranged to be sold so I took a photograph of how the brochure would show the living room.
Tamron 10-24mm
This photograph was taken in Redwood City on the side of the John Dihlmann home. This house was also owned by my great-grandmother. She bought it from the fire department of RWC for $1 and had it moved to a vacant next to the library. I practically grew up here, seeing as my parents owned a restaurant in the Diehlmann home for 16 years.
50mm f/3.5

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Chapter 9

Abstract- shows a part of a landscape that isn't always seen at first
Details- a closer shot that allows the sharing of details
Grand shot- overall layout of the landscape
Early landscape photographers looked to paintings
Carleton Watkins (18829-1916) wanted photos of the American Wild West
 *C.W. Example:
Ansel Adams is known for taking incredible photographs of Yosemite
 *A.A. Example:
Timothy O'Sullivan (1840-1882)- Shot for a more documentary style photograph
 *T.O. Example:
Landscapes can be artistic by using depth of field and framing.
Photographs must have an even balance between unity and variety.
Camera settings- use a high f/ number in order to bring up more detail.
The two most common times to shoot landscape photography is just after sunrise, and just before sunset.
If shooting film- use ISO 100 to obtain more detail.
Use a wide angle lens for the grand landscape shot.
Macro lenses are good for closeup shots.
Filters- yellow filters bring out clouds, red filters darken the sky and light then cloud.


Use a tripod because of the slower shutter speeds.
Grand Landscape Example:

Detail Example:

Abstracted elements- images of line, shape, etc. but clear image is not always viewable.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Chapter 8 Notes

Architecture and Urban Landscape
creates an indirect portrait
The big view- an overall picture of a building or piece of architecture
Interior View- a photograph of the inside of the building
Detail shot- a photograph that shows detail in the architecture.
Architecture has always been a common subject for photographers because buildings do not move and a picture could take hours to expose.
Frederick H. Evans- British photographer from 1890s to 1920s. Known for showing emotion
Charles Negre- 1840s- French painter who began photography to mimic his sketches
Eugene Atget- French sailor in 1890s. Self taught, used 'old fashioned' cameras and lenses

Camera settings- use a smaller f stop and slower shutter speed to bring in light and get a larger depth of field.
Color emphasizes setting and color of building
B&W- emphasize values, shapes, and textures
Incandescent light is too orange while fluorescent lights are green
Use an 80A blue filter if shooting film
Use wide lenses but try to cut down on distortion in the picture
Tripods allow for more setup time on the actual photograph and help to create a better exposure
Filters- While using B&W film, orange and yellow filters help to separate clouds in the sky from each other
Orange and yellow will also bring out textures in stone and allow the photo to feel more touchable
Polarizer- filter that can darken the sky to create separation 

The big view- wide angle
perspective distortion- strong converging lines in a building, sides angle together
Angle of shooting is very important, whether straight away or angled
This photograph is taken straight away
Detail shot features the individual architectural elements of the interior or exterior
Stone buildings allow for powerful inspiration while shooting detail
Interior views show the inside of the buildings, ranging in distance of 4-20 feet. The aperture should be somewhere between f/11 and f/22

Monday, January 10, 2011

  • Daily News (1919) is the oldest photo news tabloid in the US.
  • Daily News logo was a camera with wings.
  • Picture of Ruth Schneider being executed. Camera snuuck in on leg of photographer.
  • 1920s photographers began to use artistic qualities for photographs and advertisement.
  • Advertisements allowed people to become famous 
  • Behind the Prince of Wales, Babe Ruth was the most photographed human being.
  • Ruth was used in advertisements from sardines to candy bars to zippers
  • A shutter can be open for however long you want.
  • Photography stimulates all senses.
  • Photographs influenced every aspect of American life.